Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Power of Interruption

In making this piece I have become knowledgeable of where it is taking me and the narrative is predictable (to me) even tho it may not be to the audience. I believe it would create a more synaethestic experience to cause an interruption in the narrative, while experiencing the narrative. This interruption should still be related to the narrative but at a different level. This is done well in the current TV series Reservoir Hill with Beths Dreamscape. See TVNZ

While shooting the footage for this film I captured two Tuis playing in the treetops and as the Tui call is through the current narrative I decided to explore this more by taking the Tui footage and subverting or corrupting it to an even deeper space than that of the memory, more likely a subconscious level. For this I have used colouring effects and desaturation, which makes it different to the rest of the film footage.

ALso re enforcing the deeper level is the soundscape for this piece which is the call of the Tui, however I have slowed it down to different levels of speed.

I will embed small bits of the movie into the current narrative, to fracture time and space. The transition between the time and space will be both visually and audibly experienced by the audience with a jolt like action

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