Thursday, July 15, 2010

So the ideas for the installation are flowing. Today I went and saw the video art installation at the Museum o Waikato, called Cascade. It was lovely and contributed to my ideas and possibilities.

Bringing the outside In - This idea is to bring an aspect of the environment around the APA inside. I particularly love the grove of trees opposite the building over the lake on the way to carpark 2. I have heard Tui calling through these trees and would very much like to explore this aspect.

REviewing the Reviewer - Another aspect is the idea of reviews of shows and I would like to explore this aspect with a static newspaper page hung on the wall with the photo relating to the review coming alive and the actors discussing the Critics critiques from their perspective.

Toilet Humour - A third idea after spending time with a friend doing his PHD on noise is the what goes on in the toilets. For this I was thinking of a piece where the visuals look like a security cam on the toilets. However the footage would be actors, but unknown to the observer as they would think they are viewing actual occurrences within the toilets. It is obvious that this would need to be displayed near the outside of the toilets and is something to think about.

If I don't impede on anyone elses space, I would like to do all three ideas... because I am generally mad and like to be busy

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